Today, Dr. Smirnova split us into groups by assigning us a number from 1-5. I was placed into the same group as the people who had the same number as me. I presented my Artifact Bag to my group.
I started off by presenting my PowerPoint Presentation. I called my group "historian detectives" and I told them that today they will be discovering who the historical figure is by analyzing and researching the artifacts that they are given. I also told them that they will contributing to the 5W's interactive Chart and will be reflecting on their experience after the activity. I then presented my artifact bag. On the bag, I decorated it with a pictures that said history on a scroll, a detective badge and accessories, and a big question mark with a magnifying glass. I took out the first artifact which was the Mayflower Compact. I printed out a picture of it and placed it in a Ziploc bag. I told the students to handle the artifact delicately since it is a primary source. Each student got to hold and get a look at the artifact. I then presented the next two artifacts which was a photograph of Plymouth Colony in a Ziploc bag and the Holy Bible. I then presented the interactive 5 W's Chart and had the group discuss and identify the artifacts. They worked very well together and gave each other many different ideas. There were two members holding the artifacts and questioning what they were and who they relate to and another member recording their responses on the 5 W's Chart while also giving ideas. I helped provide a little input when the members asked me some questions about the artifact. I encouraged the group members to think critically about the artifacts. The group came to a conclusion and guessed right that it was William Bradford that the artifacts connected to. William Bradford signed the Mayflower Compact, he was the governor of Plymouth Colony, and he was a Separatist when it came to the view of the Holy Bible.
I then showed my group members a book that can be used for further learning about William Bradford and what occurred during that time. The book is called "The Landing of the Pilgrims" by James Daugherty. I also presented some interactive websites that teachers can use for resources about the facts of William Bradford, a cartoon video about his life, some unit plan ideas, and an activity booklet. The suggested formative assessment for teachers for this activity would be to have the students print out the5 W's chart so that each students has a chance to write down their ideas and then have them contribute to the online interactive chart. The suggested summative assessment for teachers would be to give a small google forms quiz on the artifact bag or to give an independent practice where students come up with their own artifact bags regarding history. The group members gave me many encouraging reflections at the closing of the project.
This was a great experience for my first time presenting an artifact bag. I will definitely use this in my future classroom. I will also have the students complete their own and share them.
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