Thursday, October 29, 2015

Discoveries When Teaching 5th Grade Social Studies

Before entering into the 5th grade classroom to present the lessons and activities, I did not know much of what to expect. I expected that students would respect me while I was teaching since they showed a lot of respect towards their teacher. I could also tell that the students were extremely bright because they were always willing to participate in the lessons and demonstrated that they knew a lot about certain things. I was nervous about presenting to the students in the days that lead to the first presentation. The lessons and activities took a lot of time to plan. Each member of the group contributed a lot of great ideas that would help engage the students in the lesson. I discovered that when planning a lesson, each member needs a role in order for each member to contribute the equal amount of ideas. Planning also takes a lot of time so it is important to get to work on planning the lessons and activities as soon as possible. Once I actually got in front of the classroom and performed, I felt very confident and the nervous feeling went away. I made sure that I spoke loud and clear and once I noticed that the students were engaging in the lesson, I felt very proud that I was able to get the students attention and help them to learn from the lessons. I felt that when performing in front of the classroom, each member of the group was able to flow with each other and build on as we went along with the lesson.


I discovered that some of the classroom management methods really made a difference in this classroom. The thumbs up method was a huge hit and students were able to behave in the appropriate way. My group used the thumbs up method when they agreed or disagreed with a student's response or idea. I discovered that it was important to first say "If you agree with what this student has said then put your thumbs up" instead of saying "thumbs up if you agree" so that students would have a chance to really think about if they agree or not. This also follows when students disagree with a response and put their thumbs down. It is also important for students to explain why they agree or disagree instead of just putting their thumbs up. When used correctly, this method can be proven as effective for students. I will definitely use this method in my future classroom.


I also discovered how some things that are planned in the lesson plan do not go as planned. Sometimes time will run out and you need to act according to how it goes. It is always important to have many options for back up. This is especially important for students who struggle with the lesson or activity and for those who find the lesson or activity to be too easy.


I didn't expect the students to be so competitive in this classroom. This especially occurred when it came to Jeopardy. The students would get very riled up and snap at one another. It is important to avoid this as much as possible. I discovered that I had to remind the students of what appropriate behavior is expected and how to work in groups. It is also important to assign the students roles in order to avoid fighting from the students.

I learned a lot from teaching in this 5th grade classroom and I will definitely use these activities and methods in my future classroom. I feel more confident as a future teacher!



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