Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mock Interview Experience

Today I was involved in a mock interview in my social studies methods course. Dr. Smirnova selected 4 students to be administrators and they came up with their own background stories of what they do and how they became one. The rest of us had to come dressed and prepared to answer their questions regarding the important concepts that we have learned in this course. We had to go into our groups and each answer the questions. 

I was pretty nervous about this mock interview because interviews have always made me nervous. I tried to answer all of the questions to the best of my ability and did not leave one question unanswered. The best question that I was asked was "if each learning component was composed of the structures of a house, would assessment fall under the foundation, the walls, or the roof?" I felt that this was a very powerful and unique question that I never expected to be asked. I needed a moment to really think and reflect on the question through my prior-knowledge and my experiences. My answer was that assessment would be the roof since it covers the whole entire lesson. Assessment is extremely important in the lesson because it gets students to access their prior knowledge, reflect through the lesson, and reflect on their experience and what they learned. 

I feel like I really need to work on my confidence as a teacher. I felt by getting nervous it prevented me from answering the question with a confident expression. I feel that it would be best for me to attend and practice some more mock interviews in order for me to succeed when the actual interviews come my way in the future. This was a great experience that showed me that overall I did a very good job during the mock interview process but need a little more practice when it comes to my confidence. 

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